An interview with Sydney Osteopath Dr Marcus Ng

In this short video, Quay Health clinic owner Physiotherapist and Osteopath Dr David Aboud interviews Quay Health’s newest Osteopath Dr Marcus Ng.


Dr David Aboud:Hey guys. Just wanted to introduce you to our new osteopath, Dr Marcus Ng. Welcome, Marcus.


Dr Marcus Ng:Thanks Dave.


Dr David Aboud:We wanted to get to know a little bit more about Marcus, and introduce him to the practice. I guess being an osteopath Marcus, I always like to ask people where their journey in osteopathy started, so can you tell us a little bit more about that for you?


Dr Marcus Ng:Yeah, yeah. I’ve always had a keen interest in the human body and how it works. Naturally, after school, I did a bachelor of science in anatomy. After the three years, there wasn’t too much of a career choice, and I didn’t want to be a mortician, so I took on further studies and found my way into massage, through TAFE.


Towards the end of that course, we had a osteopath come through and talk about what they did. At the time, it wasn’t something I was actually familiar with. That particular talk actually really sparked me into finding out more of what osteopaths did.


After that, I enrolled in another five years of studies in the osteo course, through the University of Western Sydney. With the nine years of studies, I kind of felt like that was enough, and since then I’ve been an osteopath for eight years now.


Dr David Aboud:Okay, really cool. Obviously you’ve been in practice for eight years, with nine years of study, you would’ve learned about a lot of conditions, and now you’ve seen and treated lot of conditions, so what are the sort of areas you like to treat, or you specialize in treating?


Dr Marcus Ng:We see a whole bunch of different conditions, as you know. I see a lot of sporting injuries, lower back pains, the sore shoulders. I find the most rewarding ones are the acute neck pains, the early morning phone call, trying to get in to see somebody to help them, because they’ve woken up with a sore neck, and that they can’t turn, or it’s too much pain to turn.


Even though I find when those patients come through, just in that first session, to be able to give them that range of motion back in their neck, and reducing their pain, so they can carry on with the rest of their day, that to me is definitely the most rewarding.


I mean, as you know, at the clinic, we treat a whole bunch of stuff, anything that walks through the door, we can help them.


Dr David Aboud:That’s really good. I guess having that interest, it’s great being in the Sydney CB, with a lot of busy people having quite a sedentary type workplace. Clearly, neck pain is quite a common condition.


Dr Marcus Ng:They kind of always sit like this at the desk with computers, yeah.


Dr David Aboud:Sure. It’s great. I know you are quite active outside of being an osteopath, so tell us a little bit more about what you enjoy doing.


Dr Marcus Ng:Sure. My passion and hobby is definitely in basketball. I’m a huge San Antonio Spurs fan, I’m a big NBA fan. I guess to bring back to how basketball and my interest in osteo, is the injuries that the players get. My particular team has our best player’s out at the moment with a quadriceps tendinopathy.


I kind of just find the day-to-day resting of healthy players and player injuries in the NBA fascinating, as well as obviously watching the games.


Dr David Aboud:That’s really cool. Well, thank you Marcus, it’s been really enjoyable getting to know you a bit more, and we enjoy having you around the practice.


Marcus will be with us full-time in the practice, so we look forward to seeing you, and I’m sure he looks forward to seeing many new faces that he can help in the future. Thanks guys.


Dr Marcus Ng:Yeah, absolutely.